#GirlsClub: Wage Survey Infographic

Did you know… at the speed we are moving to fix the gender wage gap it will take 60 years to get there. (Source: Global Gender Gap Report 2022)

Today, women who work full-time, year-round are paid an average of 83.7 percent as much as men – or about $10,000 per year. It takes women 15 months to earn the same amount as men earn in 12 months. The gap is even worse for many women of color and members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

#GirlsClub has always been an advocate for equal pay, but we wanted to take it a step further. We wanted to be able to give women in sales roles data needed to feel more confident in asking for what they want.

Enter the #GirlsClub Sales Wage Guide. We spent the past year surveying more than 500 participants to help find discrepancies in pay and compensation among genders, races, LGBTQIA+ community, industry, location and more.

Key findings include:

    • Gender Disparities Persist: Despite progress, the gender wage gap remains evident. On average, male sales professionals earn 12% more in annual base salary and 11% more in on-target earnings compared to their female counterparts.
    • Ethnicity Matters: Racial inequalities affect earnings. Caucasian salespeople outpace Black counterparts by 37% in average base salary and 41% in on-target earnings, highlighting the need for equity.
    • LGBTQIA+ Income Gap: Our survey revealed a significant income gap for LGBTQIA+ sales professionals, earning 25% less in annual base salary and 28% less in on-target earnings compared to non-LGBTQIA+ individuals.
    • Regional Differences in Earnings: Geographical location plays a role in earnings. Professionals in New England and the Middle Atlantic regions tend to earn higher average base salaries compared to those in other regions.
    • Empowerment Through Negotiation and Development: Negotiation and professional development are vital tools for closing wage gaps. The survey underscores the importance of advocating for compensation and pursuing opportunities for growth and training in the sales industry.

In the next couple of weeks, we will be releasing all of our findings. To receive your copy, please fill out the form and we will be sure to send it to you once it is available.