An inclusive 5-month leadership program for women who are either an aspiring sales manager ready to advance their career or an existing sales manager who needs more skill development, mentoring, or support. The curriculum is focused on sales management skills and confidence-building activities such as:
- Sales Call Coaching
- The Art of Self Promotion
- The Daily Management Cadence
- Crucial Conversations
- Leading With Strengths
- Time Management for Sales Managers
- Navigating an Unintentional Boys Club
- Performance 1:1 Meetings
The ideal candidate is a current or aspiring sales manager ready to advance her career or an existing sales manager who needs more skill development, mentoring, or support. Women may apply themselves or be nominated. All applications must be approved by the protegee’s manager/advocate and the #GirlsClub staff.
The virtual training introduces a new skill each month including self-paced learning, live sessions with peers, live and recorded sessions with thought leaders, & on-the-job activities. Protégées are matched with 1-2 experienced leaders who serve as mentors during the program. The community builds strong relationships with opportunities like:
- Monthly live video meetings
- Private #GirlsClub Slack channel
- Membership to private LinkedIn
network (+ LinkedIn badge)
- Local “chapter” meet-ups and activities
- Exclusive offers from Sponsors
- 1-day inspiring finale conference with Thought
Leaders, Mentors, and previous Generations