Losing a job is so much more than losing a paycheck because so much of our self-worth is tied up in what we do. So much of how we show up in the world and identify with ourselves is based on how we show up at work.
Want to know what advice LB and other strong women leaders in sales would tell their younger selves to own their power at work?
It can be uncomfortable to give – and to receive feedback – but if done right, it can be a total gift.
There is something sentimental about the holidays and the end of the year that makes you pause to reflect on all that has been experienced and accomplished. It is also an exciting time to look forward to a new year filled with all the “new” – new hopes, new dreams, new goals, new opportunities.
Many of us recovering perfectionists, career women, over-achievers, and working moms (I own all of these) have trouble drawing clear lines between what we own and what others own. Or what others should own.